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Vision Statement

“I am product of a multicultural union that has given me an understanding of the differences that exist within each person. My passion for learning about cultures around the globe has brought me into contact with a variety of people through which I have gained valuable experiences. My dedication to studying foreign languages, particularly French, has given me the opportunity to communicate and connect with a larger, international audience. I strive to incorporate this combined knowledge into the marketing world; whether it be through a domestic company or an international organization, my interests and skills will make me a valuable marketing asset. In an increasingly global world, openness and understanding of what appeals to vast range of demographics will undoubtedly propel me to success.  My objective is to be a global leader of the future, someone who is unafraid to implement new and innovative ideas to markets that have been previously untouched. I have an intuitive marketing spirit that allows me to match strategies with regions, people, and cultures to create the global market of the future.”


                                                                                          Jarid Raftery

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